ESG for financial and banking institutions and insurance companies

Martin Křivánek

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Course fee: 11 000,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Employees responsible for sustainability and ESG management
  • Persons responsible for financial and non-financial reporting and investor relations
  • Persons responsible for risk management, internal audit, and compliance
  • Employees across company divisions/departments who are or want to be involved in ESG and sustainability
  • Senior management


  • Introduction to ESG
    1. Introduction to ESG and important milestones
    2. General timeline of ESG regulations
    3. Sustainability plan (EBA sustainable roadmap and ESG main pillars)
  • Risk management
    1. ESG factors, risks, their drivers and transmission channels
    2. Methods of assessing ESG risks
    3. ESG risk management
    4. Risk management as part of ESG frameworks (ECB guide, TCFD, LOAM, …)
    5. ESG risks and risk management as part of SREP processes
  • ESG reporting for financial institutions
    1. CSRD
    2. EU taxonomy
    3. Pillar III
    4. SFDR
    5. Other banking regulations, disclosures and voluntary commitments (IFRS, CSDDD, PRB, TCFD, TNFD)
    6. ESG in insurance
  • Carbon footprint for financial institutions
    1. GHG Protocol
    2. GHG emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3)
    3. PCAF methodology – portfolio emissions (Scope 3)
    4. Methods of reducing the carbon footprint (carbon credits and projects)
  • Sustainable and green finance
    1. Green, social and sustainability bonds
    2. Green credits
    3. Sustainability linked bonds and loans
    4. Other sustainable products (green credits for cars, green mortgages, sustainable credit cards, sustainable investments)
    5. ESG score and ratings
  • Main issues related to sustainability reporting
    1. Data quality
    2. Timely implementation
    3. Linking different sustainability frameworks
    4. Increasing demands
    5. Greenwashing