Terms of Business

Information for participants in training courses and workshops organised by KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o., with its registered office at Pobřežní 648/1a, 186 00 Prague 8, Identification No.: 005 53 115, recorded in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert No. 326 (“KPMG”).


1. KPMG will provide training, a series of training courses or a workshop (“Training”) based on the participants’ registration. The training registration also serves as a binding order (“Registration”) and, along with these Terms of Business, governs the contractual relationship between a participant and KPMG.

2. Training participants are required to submit their binding registration no later than three days before the Training date, either by registering on-line at this website or by completing a printed registration form and sending it to the Business Institute at the above mentioned KPMG address.

3. By filling out and submitting the Registration, the Training participant agrees with the terms specified herein.

4. Participants will be registered in the order in which their applications are received. Training participants will receive a confirmation based on their Registration. Participants who cannot be registered due to capacity reasons will be notified and offered a new Training date or the cancellation of their Registration.

Payment terms

Upon the receipt of a Registration form, an invoice containing the invoicing information provided in the Registration form will be sent to each Training participant to the address provided therein. Payment needs to be made within two weeks of the invoice date.

Training cancellation and termination

If participants (or their substitutes) do not attend the Training course and do not cancel their reservation by sending a written notice to the KPMG Business Institute address mentioned above or by an email sent to businessinstitute@kpmg.cz at least five working days before the Training date, full payment for the Training will be required.

Information about changes

1. KPMG reserves the right to change the venue, the date or the lecturer of the Training course. Furthermore, KPMG reserves the right to cancel a Training course, particularly for organisational or operational reasons.

2. Training participants will always be informed in writing, by email or phone of any of the above mentioned changes ahead of time. Should KPMG cancel a Training course after participants have already paid for the Training, participants will be reimbursed the full amount paid.

Training venue

1. KPMG’s premises at the following address: Pobřežní 648/1a, 186 00 Praha 8, or at a different place arranged by KPMG. Participants will always be informed of any change in the venue well in advance.

2. Before the Training begins, Training participants are required to identify themselves and sign a list of participants or a visitors’ list at the reception. Failure to identify oneself or to register at the reception may result in the participant not being admitted to the Training venue.


1. At most Trainings, participants will receive hand-outs as part of the Training course. They may use the hand-outs for their own needs or for the internal needs of the company that has sent them. Participants may not provide the hand-outs to any other third persons.

2. We will provide Training participants with a confirmation of their attendance upon request.

Personal data protection and consent with sending business communication

Training participants hereby agree that in line with Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data, KPMG will keep and process their personal data consisting of: name, surname, email address, phone number and address, bank account number (jointly referred to as the “personal data”). At the same time, participants agree that the personal data will be made available to the following companies, which are members of the KPMG group: KPMG Česká republika Audit, s.r.o. (with its registered office at Praha 8, Pobřežní 648/1a, post code 186 00, Identification No.: 496 19 187), KPMG Advisory, s.r.o. (with its registered office at Praha 8, Pobřežní 648/1a, post code 186 00, Identification No.: 275 70 193) and KPMG Legal s.r.o., attorneys-at-law (with its registered office at Praha 8, Pobřežní 648/1a, post code 186 00, Identification No.: 247 33 598)

The personal data provided will be processed by KPMG so that it can meet its contractual obligations, send business communication and for other marketing purposes. The personal data will be processed for an indefinite period of time. Training participants understand that they are required to provide true and correct personal data. Training participants confirm that the provided personal data are accurate and confirm to have been informed that the personal data are provided voluntarily. They also declare to have been informed of the possibility to recall their approval with personal data processing by a written notification delivered to the above mentioned KPMG address. Should Training participants express the wish to be informed on the processing of their personal data, KPMG is required to provide such information to them. Training participants are also entitled to have access to and to correct their personal data, and have other rights stipulated under Section 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on Personal Data Protection. Training participants agree that KPMG may send its information and business communication to their email addresses provided.


The contractual parties agree that KPMG is not liable for any indirect or subsequent damage, data loss or lost profits. The total amount of the compensation for any damage caused in relation to KPMG’s performance, except for damage caused intentionally, is limited to the amount of fees paid for the Training.

Final provisions

1. The relationship between the Training participants and KPMG established upon Registration and the Terms of Business herein are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.

2. KPMG is entitled to transfer its rights and duties arising from the Registration and the Terms of Business herein, in part or in full, to other companies within the KPMG group without the approval of the Training participants.