Minimum annual corporate obligations and liability of statutory representatives and board members

The recent recodification has in many aspects heightened the liability of the statutory representatives of limited liability companies and of the board members of joint stock companies. At the end of the accounting period the attention of a number of firms turns to accounting and tax issues, while other legal corporate responsibilities of the members of a company’s statutory bodies continue to lay

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Course fee: 3 800,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Statutory representatives of limited liability companies, board members of joint-stock companies.
  • Members of a company’s top management
  • Company lawyers, corporate secretaries, managers dealing with corporate governance issues.
  • Others involved in the preparation of corporate documentation and operations.


  • Delineation of the role of a member of a company’s statutory body and the meaning of due managerial care.
  • Rights and obligations of a member of a company’s statutory body towards other bodies of the company.
  • Legal year-end procedures connected with accounting, approval of financial statements, distribution of profit (interim dividends)/loss compensation.
  • Preparation of basic legal documentation and hand-outs for the general meeting.
  • Report on relations – its necessity and required features.
  • Updating a company’s information in the Commercial Register – when to add what to the Collection of Documents.
  • Liability for a company’s debts.
  • Negative economic results, bankruptcy, insolvency (including the possible exclusion from all functions).
  • Consequences of the violation of legal obligations.


During the course, you will:

  • Learn about the role and the responsibility of statutory representatives and members of statutory bodies from a legal viewpoint.
  • Gain a comprehensive overview over annual corporate responsibilities and tasks.
  • Review basic corporate documents and their deadlines for preparation.
  • Learn about possible plans of action in case of positive/negative economic results.