How to deal with reporting – an individual workshop

We will prepare a workshop tailored to your needs focusing on the specifics of your reporting package compiled under IFRS, German GAAP, US GAAP or other types of local accounting legislation. We will also help you understand all issues associated with the reporting process, thus helping you improve communication about reporting with your parent company.

No dates available. If you are interested in attending the training, please fill the form.

I am interested in attending the training
Course fee: agreed on an individual basis

Who are the intended participants?

  • Companies that prepare reporting packages for their parent companies and need advice on how to proceed.
  • Management, finance directors and other persons making strategic decisions.


  • Reporting package analysis.
  • Problem areas and proposed solutions.
  • Reporting process – instructions, timetable.
  • Intra-group relations.
  • Options on how to prepare reporting packages.
  • A detailed timetable and the structure of the workshop will be agreed based on your needs.


After completing the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Understand the problem areas and select the most suitable method to tackle them.
  • Discuss adequately the following issues with your parent company: instructions on how to prepare a reporting package, timetable, potential allocation of expenses and revenues and other intra-group relations.
  • Assess benefits and costs of various options on how to prepare a reporting package (outsourcing, own resources, the combination of the two).

We can extend the scope of our workshop by providing assistance with:

  • Preparation of the entire reporting package, or some parts thereof, utilising the knowledge of experienced KPMG professionals.
  • Collection of data for individual reporting areas.