Preparation of financial statements in accordance with Czech accounting regulations

During the course, we will explain what the financial statements are and where to get help to prepare them. You will also learn how to properly perform a physical count and examination of assets (matching of balances with relevant documents), and close and check individual accounts.

Lenka Zatylnyjová

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Course fee: 5 000,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Accountants and finance department employees who are required to prepare or understand the financial statements
  • Controlling department employees whose duty is to evaluate and obtain information for monthly reporting to management
  • Other employees who deal with a company’s financial statements


  • Legal regulations, the Act on Accounting, the Decree, types of financial statements
  • Publication of financial statements
  • Classification of accounting entities
  • Inventory-taking and the physical counting and examination of assets (matching of balances with relevant documents)
  • Valuation of assets and liabilities
  • Establishment of provisions and adjustments, accruals and deferrals, foreign exchange translation
  • Closing of accounting books and checks on individual balances by financial reporting area
  • Examples of financial statements and notes to the financial statements, checklist for notes to the financial statements


During the course, you will:

  • understand what the company's financial statements are and how to prepare them
  • become familiar with the sub-steps that need to be taken in the preparation of the financial statements and understand the entire process of the financial statements’ preparation, a necessary step for their subsequent analysis.