Banking regulations for the provision and monitoring of credit

Filip Hanko

No dates available. If you are interested in attending the training, please fill the form.

I am interested in attending the training
Course fee: 4 000,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Corporate credit analysts (with short-term experience)
  • Corporate credit analysts (advanced modules for experienced staff)
  • Relationship managers in corporate departments
  • Risk management staff involved in the evaluation and approval of corporate loans


  • Internal governance and management systems for the granting and monitoring of loans
    • Risk management culture and risk appetite
    • Environmental and social factors (ESG)
    • Internal review and remuneration
  • Lending procedures
    • Information and documentation
    • Borrower creditworthiness assessment
    • Financial and business model analysis requirements
    • Basic principles of ratings and statistical approval models
  • Loan pricing
    • Assessment of all relevant costs
    • Examples of simple pricing models
  • Evaluation of immovable and movable assets
    • At origination, monitoring and revaluation
    • Criteria for appraisers
    • Criteria for statistical models for valuation
  • Overall monitoring
    • Monitoring of credit exposures and borrowers
    • Early warning indicators