Management Skills Development Programme

In addition to their technical knowledge, managers need a wide range of soft skills, involving, e.g., the ability to collaborate, communicate clearly, make decisions, resolve conflicts, or set priorities correctly.

Jan Konopásek
Sign upPresence form
4. 2. 2025–29. 4. 2025  (09:00–11:30)
30 000,- CZK ex. VAT

Sign up for the new development programme and gain key competencies to help you grow and apply them in any profession.

The programme will run from 4 February 2025 to 29 April 2025, every Tuesday from 9 to 11:30 am (except 27 February 2025).

Lecturer Jan Konopásek will share with you the best practices and techniques and let you try them out in various activities. Through group work, discussions, simulation exercises for specific situations and space to share your own experiences, you will gain more confidence and significantly strengthen your management skills.

Course topics

  • communication
  • cooperation
  • performance
  • conflict resolution and negotiation
  • assertive behaviour
  • self-reflection/self-insight – critical perception of self, limits, and abilities
  • creative solutions to complex problems
  • strategic thinking
  • structured thinking leading to problem recognition, understanding and resolution
  • constructive criticality and the ability to accept criticism
  • the ability to adapt and accept change
  • independence
  • information retrieval and orientation.

The programme can be supplemented with other topics based on the needs and requirements of the participants.

Main benefits

  • strengthening key managerial competencies
  • development of strengths and weaknesses and practice in using them
  • training for challenging work situations and best practices for handling them
  • simulating the working environment by working in a stable group
  • space for sharing experiences and feedback.

Who are the intended participants?

  • The programme for managers is designed for all those who want to develop their professional and personal skills.
  • The Top Managers Programme is designed for experienced managers who want to pass on their experience and further support their personal growth.


  • The programme consists of twelve 2.5-hour sessions.
  • The group will meet face-to-face on a regular basis.
  • The group will consist of a maximum of twelve participants who will go through the programme together.
  • The programme will contain a theoretical part framing the selected topics and an extensive practical part consisting of model situations and group discussions.

Mgr. Jan Konopásek, LL.M., top manager, supervisor, coach, psychotherapist

The group will be led by Jan Konopásek, an expert with many years of experience in management, leadership, psychotherapeutic and supervisory work, and coaching. Jan has over 20 years of experience in the financial sector in senior positions. He has management experience in corporate compliance, managing strategic projects aimed at setting up changes in processes in organisations.

Since 2014 he has been involved in coaching, work supervision, individual and couples psychotherapy. He holds a master's degree in social work and applied psychotherapy. He has a full psychotherapeutic education accredited by Česká psychoterapeutická a psychiatrická společnost (the Czech Society of Psychotherapy and Psychiatry) and Asociace klinických psychologů (the Association of Clinical Psychologists).


KPMG Česká republika, s.r.o., Pobřežní 1a, Praha 8

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