A course on the issues concerning real estate companies in the context of financial statements according to IFRS

During the half-day course, we will call your attention to frequent problems of financial statements compiled according to IFRS. We will use benchmarks from already published financial statements of reality companies.

No dates available. If you are interested in attending the training, please fill the form.

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Course fee: 5 200,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Chief Financial Officers and the management of real estate companies.
  • Accountants for real estate companies who are responsible for the preparation of financial statements according to IFRS.


  • Deferred taxes in connection with expert opinions.
  • Embedded derivatives in reality companies and their presentation.
  • The influence of fair value measurement standards (IFRS 13) on the presentation of information on real estate investments according to IAS 40.
  • The Exposure Draft for the new standard regarding leasing and its specifications for the real estate industry.
  • The use of expert opinions in appendices of financial statements.
  • The impact of the new IFRS legislation on real estate companies.


After the completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Assess if there are problematic points in your company’s financial statements.
  • Improve the presentation of information in your financial statements according to IFRS.
  • Assess the impact of the new accounting standards on your firm.
  • Familiarise yourself with benchmarks for the real estate industry and find out how to adapt your approach to the market.