IFRS 9 Disclosures (also for banks accounting under Decree No. 501/2002 Coll.)

New IFRS 9 considerably extends the requirements for information disclosures in the notes to the financial statements. The broadening of the scope of information, and the efforts connected with obtaining and reviewing will also apply to Czech banks keeping their accounts under Czech accounting standards. What new information will have to be disclosed, and in what format?

Vladimír Dvořák

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Course fee: 4 000,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Employees preparing financial statements or annual reports in companies presenting financial statements under IFRS.
  • Employees preparing financial statements or annual reports in banks presenting financial instruments under IFRS in accordance with the new requirements of Czech accounting standards.


  • Summary of IFRS 9/IFRS 7 requirements for disclosures on financial instruments.
  • Changes in classification and measurement, impairment and hedge accounting brought on by the application of IFRS 9.
  • Examples of tables in the notes under IFRS 7 after adjustments due to the application of IFRS 9.


You will:

  • learn about IFRS 9’s new requirements for additional information disclosures in the notes.
  • align your knowledge of IFRS 9 with the requirements for information disclosures on the methods and results of expected loss calculations.
  • find out how the required disclosures for hedge accounting have changed.
  • see sample tables under revised IFRS 7.