Introduction to hedge accounting

The accounting treatment of derivatives and other instruments that economically serve to hedge financial risks can be challenging, as it needs to be reported differently from hedged risks. This leads to an imperfect presentation of the hedging strategy in the financial statements. This mismatch can be resolved by hedge accounting.

Jan Karban
Šimon Kolář
Sign upPresence
16. 10. 2024  (09:00–15:00)
6 000,- CZK ex. VAT
Sign upOn-line webinar
16. 10. 2024  (09:00–15:00)
6 000,- CZK ex. VAT

However, its numerous detailed and highly technical requirements make its application difficult even for experienced risk managers and accountants. In this training course, you will learn the basic concept of hedge accounting in line with Czech and international accounting standards from experts specialising in hedge accounting for audit and consulting engagements. You will also gain an overview of the types of hedging relations and requirements for hedge accounting and find out about typical problems in its application and how to prevent them.

Who are the intended participants?

  • Employees of finance, risk management or treasury departments in non-finance sector companies.
  • Employees of accounting or controlling departments who are involved in the preparation of financial statements according to Czech standards and IFRS.
  • Employees responsible for the preparation and analysis of financial plans and statements.


  • Why apply hedge accounting? Examples of accounting discrepancies between the accounting treatment of hedge instruments and secured items.
  • Overview of the hedge accounting concept.
  • Types of hedge relations and their typical use in the non-financial sector.
  • Requirements for applying hedge accounting.
  • Case studies on the most common types of hedge relations.
  • Practical issues in the application of hedge accounting.
  • Accounting recognition and presentation in the financial statements.
  • Key differences in applying hedge accounting between the Czech accounting standards and IFRS (IAS 39 vs. IFRS 9).


After completion of the course, you will:

  • Understand the possibilities and requirements for hedge accounting in accordance with Czech and international accounting standards.
  • Have learned how to test efficiency and prepare hedge accounting documentation.


KPMG Česká republika, Pobřežní 1a, Praha 8

The fee includes training materials and refreshments. The training will be conducted in Czech.

For attending this training course, you are eligible to gain 6 of CPD points.