Selling/buying an entity

The training will acquaint you with the processes involved in selling and buying entities and their key aspects. We will present to you the basic terms, principles and questions defining the selling and buying of entities.

Adam Páleníček
Igor Mesenský

No dates available. If you are interested in attending the training, please fill the form.

I am interested in attending the training
Course fee: 3 800,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended participants?

  • Employees of business development departments of entities that have decided to grow by acquisition.
  • Owners who are considering selling their company.


  • Basic terms from the transaction business
  • Model flow of the sales process (analytical phase, marketing phase and shortlisting, due diligence, negotiations, and transaction documentation)
  • Case study: sale of a specific company
  • Key factors for evaluating investments in companies
  • Determining the indicative value of a company
  • Concept and course of due diligence
  • Financial due diligence and its principles
  • Case study: risk identification (red flags).


You will:

  • become familiar with the basic transaction-related terminology
  • get acquainted with the practical side of selling a company
  • be able to organise and manage the process of acquiring or selling a company.

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