Regulatory news for financial institutions

Regulatory obligations for banks, securities traders or investment firms are evolving dynamically and regularly expanding. During our annually organised and updated training course, we provide course participants with an overview of the most significant changes in the regulation of financial institutions, ranging from prudential regulations to regulatory reporting, as well as news on the ESG front

Monika Duffková
Naďa Waldeckerová
Training course is sold
Presence form
26. 11. 2024  (09:00–14:00)
Sign upOn-line webinar
26. 11. 2024  (09:00–14:00)
7 500,- CZK ex. VAT

Who are the intended course participants?

  • Reporting, finance, and risk management department employees.
  • Internal audit and compliance bank department employees.
  • Securities trades and trust administrators.


  • News in prudential regulations for credit institutions – BASEL, CRR/CRD.
  • News in prudential regulations for investment firms – IFR/IFD.
  • Update of EBA reporting frameworks for credit institutions and investment firms.
  • Developments in ESG-related obligations for financial institutions – risk management, prudence, and information disclosure.

A detailed programme with be provided in the autumn of 2024.


During the course, you will:

  • get a grasp of numerous news and changes in the regulation of financial institutions
  • obtain practical experience in implementation projects
  • hear professionals explain challenging areas
  • get the opportunity to discuss any methodological unclarities with experts participating in the long-term implementation in banks operating on the Czech market.


KPMG Česká republika, Pobřežní 1a, Praha 8

Training course 26. 11. 2024 is sold out