Introduction to ESG and regulations

We'll look at what is behind the terms ESG, SDG, CSRD, ESRS, Fit for 55 and more. You will get a basic idea of the strategic documents, international objectives, and commitments. You will learn what ESG means for the financial sector.

Anna Vaníčková
Zuzana Pokorná
Sign upPresence
7. 11. 2024  (09:00–13:00)
5 500,- CZK ex. VAT
Sign upOn-line webinar
7. 11. 2024  (09:00–13:00)
5 500,- CZK ex. VAT

Course 1 of the ESG: Comprehensive Overview module

Who are the intended participants?

  • Employees responsible for sustainability and ESG management
  • Persons responsible for financial and non-financial reporting and investor relations
  • Persons responsible for risk management, internal audit, and compliance
  • Employees across company divisions/departments who are or want to be involved in ESG and sustainability
  • Senior management


  • CSR development, sustainability, ESG
  • Strategic documents EU Green Deal, Fit for 55
  • EU taxonomy
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)
  • ESG in the financial sector – banking regulations


KPMG Česká republika, Pobřežní 1a, Praha 8

The fee includes training materials and refreshments. The training will be conducted in Czech.

For attending this training course, you are eligible to gain 4 of CPD points.