How to transform customer experience

Ours is the age of the customer. Today’s customers expect more for less and price is not always the deciding factor. Experience is the buzzword, talked about in boardrooms and Facebook, watched on YouTube. But what does customer experience really mean? Can it be measured? Managed? Transformed? These are questions we would like to address during this interactive training course.

Jindřich Mašek
Lukáš Cingr

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Course fee: 10 000,- CZK ex. VAT

Why attend the CX training course?

After completing the course, you will:

  • Understand the context of customer experience and its effects on your business.
  • Grasp the main principles of customer experience. You will find out what factors influence customer experience and how to take full advantage of them.
  • Learn to effectively map and transform customer experience. And you will get to practice your newfound knowledge.
  • Our training programme is founded on KPMG’s methodology that has been tested on numerous projects around the globe.
  • The programme is entertaining and brings tangible benefits. Our average net promoter score (NPS) is 70.


Within the one-day programme, we will introduce you to an approach that transforms customer experience and the Six Pillars methodology. We will apply the acquired knowledge to a case study. As we are not afraid to experiment, we will not bother you with lengthy presentations. Instead, you can expect a lot of team work and interaction. You will not leave the training with empty hands. During the training, you will work on your own manual.

Introduction to CX. What is customer experience, where does it come from and why is it so important for a firm’s success?

  • What is customer experience (CX) and what are its pillars?
  • Why does it make sense to manage CX?
  • An introduction to the history of CX.

Customer journeys and different customer types. We will start working with the case study and transform customer experience. First, we will clarify the basic terms and point out differences over past approaches. Then we will tackle the understanding of customers based on different customer types and start mapping their experience using customer journeys.

  • Introduction to customer journeys.
  • Different customer types, empathy maps and customer expectations.
  • Mapping your customers’ journeys: phases and touchpoints.
  • Pain points, gain points and moments of truth.

Solving a case study – transformation of customer journeys. Your will get the opportunity to try out the tools used by KPMG consultants in transforming customer experience in practice.

Who are the intended participants?

  • People responsible for customer experience or customer service quality.
  • Managers eager to find out what customer experience is all about and how to work with it more effectively.
  • All wanting to improve their customers’ experience.
  • All others wanting to develop professionally as well as personally.